1CK Inside Opening (Blister)
Finish: Antique Brass
The range of Door Locks incorporate advanced security and safety features. The ideal choice for door applications.
Door Lock a home based on the levels of security that they can see being used on the front door. As well as fitting locks to secure your door.
This lock provides maximum security to the doors. Also the key features of this lock ensures that nobody gets locked out of the house. It is scratch resistant.
Product Features:
-Made from superior raw materials - brass extruded three
bolts and sheet metal components to provide extra
-Convenient hold-back feature prevents inadvertent 'lock
out' situations.
-Aldrop bolt provides added security and prevents it from
being opened even by its own key. (added privacy
-Aesthetically designed with soft rounded edges to
match door decor.
-Scratch-resistant, long-lasting satin-nickel finish with clear
protective coating.
-Can be fitted in place of Godrej 7" lever Night Latch with
the help of Ultra Retrofit Adaptor.