GALATEA Door Hinge (Left)
Size: 100x88mm
Finish : POV/Old Gold
We have a huge collection of Door Hinges that is available in several sizes, shapes and designs.
Heavy weight continuous industrial hinge (large and wide) for industry applications are our speciality. We are suppliers for steel, zinc plated steel, aluminum, solid brass and stainless steel hinges for outdoor and marine durability in many different dimensions.
Available in many sizes from narrow to wide and a variety of finishes such as elector brassed steel, nickel and florentine/staturary bronzed plated, aluminium and solid brass or as outdoor stainless steel hinge.
SALICE PAOLO has always worked in the field of brass, at the beginning in the production of furniture articles and, in the last twenty years, of door handles.
In the course of this evolution we haven't lost our spirit: in fact today the artisan manufactures go together with High-Technological-Production-System, in order to get the best, taking care of finishes, design and functionality.

Product Code 311/E